Friday, August 30, 2019

The Devil's Embrace

The Devil’s Embrace
Come to me
Let me take you
In my arms
Feel the joy
Drink from this cup
Forget the burdens of life
Let me hold you longer
Don’t pull away
Let's be friends
You and I
Make a pact
Of non conformity
Free at last to
Roam the vast expanse
Of unbridled desire
Enjoy these moments
Live for now, live for you
Who gave you
These robes of piety
Can't you see
They're sullied
with sins of the past
Ill-fitting and awkward?
Cast them away!
Whose fight takes you away
From yourself?
Who said that you are
The Moral Conscience
of the World?
What outrageous bonds
Tie you to faith and tradition ?
How many lifeboats
Are you expected to save
In perilous waters
Risking your precious life
While the clock of enjoyment
Ticks away?
You are mine
If only for a moment
Let the bitter fruit
of this surrender
Wait for another time

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Random notes on the commute:
Ah, wretched me!
My eyes I have blinded to your love
My heart beats faster at the thought of others
My dreams are of worldly landscapes
My breath, though it inhales your gift of life
Seeks joy from other but you.
You spread before me a green carpet
I trampled on it
You offered water to my parched lips
I turned my face away
You are ready to embrace me
I retreat and turn away
You have stood by me
Through joy and sorrow
In moments of pain and pleasure
When the sun retreats and succumbs to the night
You fill my heart with hope
Of another sunrise, another day
When my heart burns with anxiety
You fill my cup with love
In silence you have stood at the threshold of my soul
And rescued me from the clutches of despair
I have failed to see you
To feel the warmth of your love
Honour the breath of life
And the flame of hope
And now that I must meet you
My heart cries out
Is there redemption, my Lord?
- Farhad